We preach the cross, but for Christ’s present-day ministry to operate in our lives and for Him to bless our nation, we must camp out at Calvary. We must invite the convicting power of the Holy Spirit into our lives, and become God’s house of prayer. God wants to do today what He did two thousand years ago. He has a final blow to execute. The first great battle was at Calvary; the last great battle is at the end-of-the-age for the final harvest. This is the final assault and the finished work of the cross. This last strategic strike will render the demons of hell bound in chains, and bring in the greatest harvest of souls the world has ever known.
Christ is longing for us today to be intimate with Him. Only then can He become fully functional and fully released in us. Only then can He manifest His power, passion, and purity in order to fulfill His purpose and mission on earth through us. You and I are to become “the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ,” but that is only possible when Christ is fully functional in us.
In Isaiah 6, the prophet laid face-down in the Temple. He was exhausted from interceding for the children of Israel, and as his supplications filled the Temple, Jehovah responded with a vision for the prophet’s eyes only. Isaiah was transported from the earthly Temple into the very throne room of God. There, his attention was not captured by the beauty of his surroundings but was centered on the One whose Presence was overwhelming. God was reassuring Isaiah that He, Judah’s Supreme King, was on the throne for all time and eternity.
No matter who sits on the thrones of earthly leadership, whether king, president or prime minister, God is ultimately in control. No one ascends to office or holds it without God having allowed them to be placed there. Isaiah’s vision reminds me a little of standing before a magistrate in a courtroom. Dressed in black robes, he or she sits elevated above the others in the court. The judge is in charge and holds the gavel that can dispatch anyone with a single motion. Like Isaiah, we stand in awe of earthly authority; how much more should we stand in awe of the God of the universe!
This is our moment as children of the King to act in His power and authority and see His purpose and will be fulfilled in our lives and in our world. As we fix our hearts on the cross, the life-changing power of the blood of Christ flows through us to the world.