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white-house-crosses-out-israel-in-press-release-500pxPresident Obama spoke at the state funeral for Israel’s President Shimon Peres on Friday where I was in attendance as your representative, and as usual, the White House issued a press release with the text of his remarks.  A short while later they issued a “corrected” version of the release.  The original identified the location of the funeral and the president’s speech as Jerusalem, Israel. But according to official Obama Administration policy, Jerusalem is not recognized as part of Israel. So the new version shows Israel crossed out!

Jerusalem, the entire and undivided Holy City, is not just part of Israel—it is the eternal capital of the Jewish people and the only city on Earth God has chosen to place His name (2 Chronicles 6:6). It is outrageous that our government refuses to recognize Israel’s historical, political, and military right to Jerusalem. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is committed to defending Israel’s right to the city of Jerusalem.

My dear friend, Prime Minister Menachem Begin, told me that Jerusalem is Israel’s “eternal capital”—and he was right! Jerusalem D.C.—David’s Capital—has been the center of Jewish life since David established his throne there 3,000 years ago. Throughout their years in exile, the Jewish people dreamed of a return, not just to the land of Israel, but to the city of Jerusalem.

And no matter what courts, presidents, kings, congresses or world bodies say, Jerusalem is and always will be the capital of the nation of Israel. This is Divine eternal decree, and no act of man can change it. Every nation and individual who blesses Israel by supporting and defending their right to Jerusalem will be blessed; every nation and individual who curses Israel by opposing their right to Jerusalem will be cursed. Today, I am asking you to do something that will bring God’s favor and blessing on your life in a new and powerful way by declaring with me that Jerusalem was, is and will forever be Israel’s capital. In action and in deed we stand together on this truth.

The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People.