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Friends of Zion Tzedakah Box £40.00 or MoreHelp for Poor Holocaust Survivors

Your gift today will help us make Hanukkah a joyful celebration for poor Holocaust survivors and show them true Christian love in action—something many of them have never seen before. Your support also allows us to continue to operate the Friends of Zion Museum, the beautiful community center in Jerusalem, to deliver food to thousands of Holocaust survivors, and so much more.

Friends of Zion Tzedakah Box
The Tzedakah Box, or charity box, was traditionally used to set aside 10% of your income for the poor. Use for your own personal savings bank or share your lose change with those in need. (3 1/2"W x 5 1/2"T x 2 1/2"D)
For Your Gift of £40.00 or More